- Electrical Lab: We have Full fledged Electrical Lab equipped with Regulated Power Supply units, Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Audio Signal Generators, Digital Trainer Kits, Advanced Power Electronics Lab Kits.
- Civil-CAD Lab: A Independent Computer center equipped with 25 advanced Intel core 2 duo Systems with Printer and UPS. The complete Lab is Networked and connected with Broadband Internet facility.
- Electrical Wiring Lab: A Workshop and Lab facilitated with necessary tools & Equipment to conduct Wiring practice. The Panel Boards are used in different operations for Motor Control Lab.
- Electrical Measurement & Machines Lab: It is equipped with necessary Measuring Instruments like Watt meters, Voltmeters, Ammeters, LCR & CRO. DC shunt, DC compound Generator & necessary equipment used in Electrical Machines Lab. 5.Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab: It is equipped with basic electronic components and Ammeter, Voltmeter, Single & 3 Phase Induction Motors which are Necessary to conduct experiments.